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  • Shruti Agarwal
  • Chakshu Gautam
  • Arshpreet Singh
  • Neelesh Sharma

Contact Info

Project Description

UCI is an open source platform that enables a configurable platform to enable personalised chatbot communication across channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS, email and more. With UCI you can plugin any federated set of users, any micro experience generating transformers and any distribution channel adapters.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to enhance and upgrade a custom web channel for UCI, from a PoC to being production ready -

  • Migration to NextJs
  • Migration to Typescript
  • Improving the UI of the Web Bot.
    • Sidebar with recent chats similar to WhatsApp
    • Chips as button to quick reply
    • Profile Page
    • Location fetch and sharing
    • File/media sharing
    • List (cascaded and multi-select) as a dropdown
  • Persistence of Messages
  • Fetching Older Messages
  • Authentication