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Week 8


  • Explored the Mock HIP Bahmn,created a new patient record in portal and fetched the details in sbx APP.
  • Done with the all Data transfer API testing through postman got the details in SBX app.
  • Completed the HRP Request api in spring boot.
  • Started working on HIP part as it will played pivot role in data transfer.
  • Strated working on integrating encryption and decryption.

Screenshots / Videos

  • Fetched patient record using Bahmni portal in SBX app .
  • Feteched record response in app.

 Patient Record record

  • Response of HRP Request API in postman through spring boot application.

 HRP Request



  • Learned and implemented unit testing frameworks like JUnit and Mockito tested it with API code.
  • Explored and Understood about the synchronous and asynchronous APIs
  • Understanding how to set breakpoints within the API codebase and verifying if they are being hit during API execution.