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  • Understand and implement ABDM Sandbox APIs, specifically for the discovery of new patients and linking their information to the HRP.
  • Creating mock APIs (using RapidAPI) and testing on Postman to understand retrieval of information from the backend and how to map requests to the response on the local machine.
  • Get access credentials to the ABDM Sandbox environment from NDHM to invoke specific APIs for HIP and HRP.
  • Start implementing ABDM APIs and test it on Postman to map the request from the client to the response on the server.

Screenshots / Videos

Mock API Response on Postman

Mock API Response on Postman

ABDM APIs for "Discovery and Linking Workflows"

ABDM APIs for "Discovery and Linking Workflows"


  • For this particular week, I focused on creating mock APIs for retrieving data from the backend using Rapid API to understand how to invoke APIs in Springboot. I will be raising a PR for week 2 and week 3 combined which will contain the ABDM API being invoked for discovery of new patients.
  • In the screenshots above, the mock API result (not pushed in the main project) can be seen where we are retrieving the COVID health data for all countries and linking that with the response on Postman.


During the second week of the project, I acquired valuable learning outcomes:

  • Gained knowledge about Rest Templates and WebClient, tools that are important for invoking an API in Springboot and worked on creating them for calling external mock APIs in Springboot using Postman.
  • Understood and implemented the ABDM APIs specific to my use case and handle the output data based on the application needs.
  • Most importantly, I learnt and implemented the service layer for the HRP (Health Repository Provider). This layer plays a pivotal role in making calls to the Wrapper and ABDM to retrieve and invoke patient data and information.

During this week, I made significant progress in the development process, solidifying my skills in API invocation and data handling within the Spring Boot environment.