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Week 1


  • Understand the basic requirement of project and discuss with our assign mentor
  • Understand the purpose and benefits of creating a library in Angular and Explore best practices for creating reusable components and services within a library.
  • Create an Angular application.Set up a new Angular project using the Angular CLI.
  • Integrate Google Translate API with my Angular application:

Screenshots / Videos

Alt Text Options To Select Different languages Alt Text Translate Written Text Into Hindi Alt Text Translate Written Text Into Tamil


  • Set up an Angular codebase locally
  • Configure Google Translate API credentials: Obtain the necessary credentials (API key or OAuth tokens) from the Google Cloud Console for using the Google Translate API.
  • we build and serve the Angular application on a development server(http://localhost:4200 ).
  • Note:- I share Github Repo in Upcoming Week


This week I learn about Libraries in Angular and how By creating a library, We can share common functionalities, UI components, or services across multiple projects. This promotes code reusability, reduces duplication, and simplifies maintenance. Source