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Week 9


  • Verifying the scan results
  • Fix HTML report styling issues - easier to interpret the results
  • Applying Quality gates - for pipeline to Pass/Fail the build based on scan results

Screenshots / Videos


Quality Gates


Pull Request 1


  1. For HTML Publisher Jenkins plugin, CSS styling is disabled by default. CSS is stripped out because of the Content Security Policy in Jenkins. (

The default rule is set to:

sandbox; default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';

This rule set results in the following:

1. No JavaScript allowed at all
2. No plugins (object/embed) allowed
3. No inline CSS, or CSS from other sites allowed
4. No images from other sites allowed
5. No frames allowed
6. No web fonts allowed
7. No XHR/AJAX allowed, etc.

To relax this rule, we have to go to:

Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes -> Click settings(gear icon) -> click Script console on left and type in the following command:

System.setProperty("hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP", "")

and Press Run. If we see the output as 'Result:' below "Result" header then the protection disabled. Re-Run build and the new HTML files archived will have the CSS enabled.

  1. Handling JSON in command line using the jq tool.