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Week 7


  • Form Read Integration for Terms and Management: In this milestone , the project search widget will be equipped with the capability to read and integrate data from forms related to terms and management. This involves creating mechanisms to extract and display relevant information, ensuring that users can interact with and make informed decisions based on the terms and management-related data.

  • Option to Manage Content Card Fields: This milestone focuses on enhancing user control by providing an intuitive interface to manage content card fields. Users will be able to select and customize which fields are displayed in content cards, tailoring the view to their specific needs and preferences. This feature aims to improve the widget's usability and empower users with personalized content presentations.

  • Filters Enable and Disable Functionality: Inculcating the ability to dynamically enable or disable filters. This milestone aims to provide users with flexibility in refining their search results. Users can activate or deactivate filters based on their requirements, creating a more dynamic and personalized search experience that adapts to their context and goals.

  • Addition of Additional Filters Configuration: This milestone involves expanding the widget's search capabilities by introducing configurations for additional filters. By incorporating more filtering options, such as categories, date ranges, or custom tags, users can fine-tune their searches with precision.

Screenshots / Videos

  • Here, The IDENTIFIER is the additional filter that is added to the filtering widget and also terms fetching from metadata.


  • Here, we can see that filtering working on the additional filter



Pull Requests

NPM Package


  • Data Integration: I gained insights into seamlessly integrating data from diverse forms, such as those related to terms and management, into the project search widget. This showcased how data from different sources can be harmonized to provide a unified and comprehensive search experience.

  • Field Customization: I understood the importance of empowering users to tailor their experience by selecting and customizing content card fields. This user-centric feature highlighted the significance of flexibility and personalization in enhancing engagement and usability.

  • Additional Filter Flexibility: I have learned how the terms of additional filters be fetched from metadata and also the concept of enabling and disabling filters introduced me to the concept of dynamic filtering options.