Week 4
- Requirement gathering and analysis
- UI Design and prototyping
- UI Development - Create New Framework
- UI Development - List of Frameworks
Screenshots / Videos
1.(https://github.com/Sunbird-Knowlg/sunbird-framework-management-ui-tool/pull/10) this is the link to the PR before merging 2.(https://github.com/katakampranavi/sunbird-framework-management-ui-tool/tree/intial-commits/sunbird-framework-management-tool) this is the link after merging PR
1.(https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eToV25kqWydRr4o2IyD5r04klKXhvlLW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108488213688344317322&rtpof=true&sd=true)-midpoint demo slide 2.Feedback:He asked me to discuss with the mentor wheather there is a map between framework and category in list. 3.Developed a UI component to display a list of existing frameworks with minimal metadata. 4.I learned how to get data from API. 5.I learned how to create tables in the UI.