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Week 6


  • Begun the process of designing the user interface for the custom validation page, focusing on enhancing its visual appeal and user experience.
  • Designed the user interface for a personalized validation page, enhancing its visual appeal and user experience.
  • Carefully examined the custom validation page for any errors.
  • Enhanced data validation processes for CSV files sourced from the database, utilizing dimension analysis techniques to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Implemented a feature to include mandatory fields within the foundational validation system, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.


  • Exploring Django's model handling and database interaction to enhance data validation procedures.
  • Gaining familiarity with dimension analysis methods and their application to ensure the integrity and precision of data.
  • Learning how to use Django's debugging tools effectively to identify and rectify errors in the application.
  • Understand the data structures required for the dimension analysis, considering relationships, fields, and attributes.
  • Utilize Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to query the database and retrieve the required data for analysis.