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Week 7


  • Worked on developing a prompt using prompt engineering methods
  • Ran few experiments with GPT 3.5 to enhance the prompt
  • Developed the front-end of the Synapse service
  • Made 2 minor corrections in DHP Specs



  • Prompt Engineering - Prompt engineering is the process of structuring text that can be interpreted and understood by a generative AI model. A prompt can be a description of a desired output such as "a high-quality photo of an astronaut riding a horse", a command such as "write a poem about leaves falling", or a longer statement including context, instructions, and input data.

  • Beckn Core Specifications - It defines a generic, abstracted API that when implemented allows domain-agnostic interoperable e-commerce transactions between a buyer and seller irrespective of which platform they are on. An analogy similar to this would be the case of SMTP specification that allows email communication between any two platforms that have implemented the same specification.

  • React js - React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies.